When is your Business Card ‘too busy’?

A busy business cardWhat should you put on your business card?

We know that we need the fundamental details like name, phone, email, address, web and possibly a short list (perhaps 4 points) of services/offerings.  That shouldn’t take up too much space, and if you have a double sided card, you could relocate some of the information to the reverse.

Make it easy for your clients or prospective clients to find the relevant information first – your name and contact. For the rest they can flip the card over.

What about the design? Although all of this is a personal choice, and depends on your sort of business, if we take a corporate or professional approach, here is one way to approach it:

  1. How many fonts do you use?
  2. How many colours?
  3. How many elements?
  4. How much contrast between colours?
  5. How much rest or ‘white’ space do you need?
  6. Do you need photos?

Let’s use Telstra as an example (seeing as everyone knows their brand) – this is how they use those 6 points:

  1. One for all text and perhaps a second that is defined in the logo itself
  2. Two
  3. Logo and one item of branding
  4. As much as possible
  5. As much as possible
  6. No!

If in doubt, use the ‘less is more’ tactic – and you will never have a design that is too busy.