Lesley at Aislin Photo Art in Yeppoon does amazing work with her camera. However, her website needed attention. It didn’t look awful (I’ve seen much worse) but it wasn’t performing – practically invisible to Google and not generating any enquiries.

Mobile first
It was most noticeable on a phone. Again, it didn’t look that bad, but it was painfully slow and the layout wasn’t ideal for navigating on a phone.
With this updated design, we managed to cut the load time from over 5 seconds to under 1 second using the GT Metrix benchmarking tool.

A score of E (not that great in anyone’s language) and a fully downloaded time of 5.4 seconds.
This is a “desktop” score as well – it definitely felt like longer waiting for it to load fully on a phone!
Google is now using these “Core Web Vitals” (the 3 metrics on the right) as part of their ranking algorithm.

It’s always nice to get an A!
Much better results in the Web Vitals section, and a fully downloaded time of less than 1 second.
Other updates
We’ve taken the opportunity to refresh all the galleries so they’re more about quality than quantity.
The testimonials page matches photos of the families with their comments – adding a nice touch of realism and authenticity that’s often missing from these types of pages.
The blog page layout has been given some love as well – again thinking primarily of the mobile phone experience.
Visit www.aislinn.com.au to see more!