How often do you see something like “Book a free strategy session” as a call to action?
It’s something that I often notice (but then my radar is probably tuned to noticing these things) and makes me wonder:
- Is “strategy” that worthless that you can give it away for free?
- Do the organisations offering this place such little value on strategy? (Do they know what a strategy is?)
- Would you trust a free strategy?

Obviously, this is a sales call, not a strategy call. So why not call it what it is?
A more effective approach to strategy
An independent strategy – one that you can lean on to help your business achieve its objectives:
- takes time to develop – much longer than a 1-hour phone call
- should not begin with preconceptions about tactics (ie the “things” you need to do)
- begins with an open mind and open to all possibilities
If someone offers a strategy call free, I doubt any of these boxes are being ticked. Buyer beware.