Who has a cordless drill strategy for 2021?
Nobody, of course, because that’s absurd, and we all know it.
And yet, how many articles do you see about Instagram Strategies and Facebook Strategies and YouTube Strategies…
Also absurd. Crazy. Stupid.
You do need instructions and training on how to use tools properly.
But knowing how to use a tool and using it all over the place doesn’t mean you’ll build anything useful. You still need a plan (strategy) for that.
The house plans and the cordless drill instructions are totally different things. Don’t confuse them!
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My notes
- Intro
- Do you reckon builders walk around saying to each other, so what’s your cordless drill strategy for 2021
- Of course they don’t, because they know there’s no such thing.
- And yet, so many articles are written about Instagram Strategies for 2021. Seriously? There is no such thing as an Instagram Strategy
- Welcome
- Have a look at some of these I just found from a random search
- Nonsense!
- Platforms are tools
- Facebook is a tool. Instagram is a tool. LinkedIn is a tool. Youtube is a tool.
- Whichever platform you choose, like a drill, you need to know how to use it.
- Mine has got some settings to change it from a hammer drill to a normal drill
- I can adjust this thingy so I don’t screw things in to hard (you can see I’m a builder, right?)
- You need to know how to use the tool – but it’s just a tool
- A strategy is a plan
- It doesn’t matter how well I know how to use this, a drill without a plan doesn’t build you a house.
- Knowing the latest Instagram tips doesn’t help you achieve your goal (unless your goal is to be an Instagram expert I guess) But I digress
- Where is the confusion?
- Back to the articles
- They all list tips on how to use the platform.
- Which is fine, but these are tips and instructions on how to use a tool
- These are the dials and switches on my drill
- What will it get you?
- I can know everything there is to know about this drill, and I can drill the most amazing hols in all sorts of stuff.
- But what will that get me?
- Without any sort of plan, I’ll get a lot of holes in things. I win’t suddenly end up with a house
- That is not a strategy.
- Beware of anything that talks about “strategies” (plural) and doesn’t start with goals or objectives. What’s you’re actually reading is tips on how to use a tool.